Official League Charter
The New England Club Baseball Association (NECBA) was formed in 2000 with four schools (University of New Hampshire, Boston University, University of New England, and Central Maine Technical College). The purpose of the league is to offer a competitive baseball experience that meets the needs of the student-athlete and provides a structure to promote collegiate baseball within the region.
The NECBA will continue to enhance collegiate baseball within the region by offering a season schedule in the fall semester which will include a regular season and play-off structure. The NECBA will continue to assist new teams with the goal to increase playing opportunities for college students by allowing new clubs membership within the league.
Board Of Directors
The Board of Directors shall consist of a commissioner, and whatever additional positions deemed necessary by either the commissioner or a majority of the participating schools.
Each school will have one vote in selecting individuals for Board positions.
The league will hold two meetings annually, one before September of each year, and one shortly after October.
The commissioner will chair all meetings. No official business may be conducted without the presence or approval of the commissioner or a majority of board members present.
The commissioner will call for additional meetings as needed.
Voting Guidelines
Each active club is entitled to vote on any motions brought forth during meetings. Active clubs must be present at the meeting in order to vote.
A majority is required to pass a motion.
In the event of a tie, the board members will vote to break the tie. If the tie is not broken after the board votes, the motion does not carry.
The commissioner or treasurer will cut invoices for each club on September 1 of each year. The bill for each club will consist of three line items: league dues, umpire fees for the regular season and umpire fees for the playoffs. The amounts for each line item shall be set by the commissioner at the annual preseason meeting.
Payment of the annual invoice is due by September 30.
In the event that any club has not paid their invoice by the due date, that club may be subject to forfeit off all subsequent games until dues are paid.
No club that has any outstanding dues, umpire fees or fines due to the league at the date of the preseason meeting may participate in the league for that season.
The league uses the Diamond DOLA1 as the official ball, and each team will be responsible for having a stock of four dozen per season, to be billed annually through the league on March 1. The commissioner will keep between five and ten dozen on hand. In any game, whether it is a regular season game or a playoff game, the home team is responsible for providing baseballs. If the home team fails to provide official game balls, the visiting team will have the option of playing as the home team, whether they can supply official league balls or not.
The home team should have any equipment necessary to ready the field for game play, including rakes and shovels in the event of rain.
NCAA rules shall be used for game play except where otherwise noted in this charter.
All clubs should keep a copy of the NCAA rule book on hand at games.
3. A team may have any enrolled student on their roster, including graduate students. There will be no limit to how many players a team may have on their roster.
4. A club may play any game with eight players. Any less than eight players constitute a forfeit. If a club is playing with eight players, an out will be recorded for the ninth spot in the batting order. If a ninth player shows up to a game in progress, that player may immediately enter the game in the field and in the ninth batting spot.
5. Teams must indicate their coaching representatives to the umpires at the ground rules meeting before the start of the game.
6. All games are seven innings in length. Under no circumstances should clubs make an agreement to substitute one nine inning game for a scheduled doubleheader. In any such instance, the score after seven complete innings for the game played shall be the final score with the second scheduled game deemed postponed or forfeited depending on the circumstances.
In any regular season game, a visiting team that has a lead of ten runs or more after five innings of play, or a home team that has a lead of ten runs or more after four and a half innings of play shall be declared the winner of the game.
8. A team may use one designated hitter per game for any defensive player. If the designated hitter is brought into the field, the player that goes to the bench is out of the game and the fielder that was not hitting is now inserted into the lineup in that player's place.
9. Teams are permitted to add an unlimited number of extra hitters to their lineup.
10. Courtesy runners are permitted for a catcher that is on base with two outs. The courtesy runner can be either the last batted out or a player not in the lineup.
11. A team may re-enter once per game a starter who was pulled for a substitute. The re-entered player must return in the same spot in the lineup.
12. Portable pitchers' mounds are allowed and do not need approval of the visiting team.
13. A balk shall be called when a pitcher fakes a throw to third and then throws to first.
14. A player or coach who is ejected from a game will not be subjected to suspension from any subsequent game unless the umpire that issued the ejection makes a special recommendation to the board and the board approves.
15. There will be no limit on team conferences that do not involve the coaching representative unless the umpire deems them to be excessive. Mound visits involving the coaching representative will be limited to two per inning or four per pitcher, at which point the pitcher must be replaced.
16. If a batter is judged to intentionally make a movement to be hit by a pitch or allows himself to be intentionally hit by a pitch, a strike will not be called unless the umpire judges the pitch to be in the strike zone.
17. If a protested game is upheld at a time when there are no remaining dates in which both teams are available to continue the game, it will be declared a draw.
For regular season games outside the showcase weekend, the commissioner will be responsible for providing two patched umpires for each regular season home game.
The fee for umpires will be set by the commissioner at the annual preseason meeting.
The commissioner or treasurer will remit payment to umpires from the league treasury.
Regular Season
Each club will submit to the commissioner no later than the date of the preseason meeting of each year a listing of dates for which they may not be available to play at home or travel to play on the road. All clubs will be expected to be available to play either home or on the road on any Saturday or Sunday starting with the weekend after Labor Day through the second to last weekend in October that was not requested as a blackout date as of the date of the preseason meeting and may be subject to forfeit if they fail to field a team to play a scheduled game or makeup.
The commissioner will compose the regular season schedule considering the availability submitted by the teams.
The regular season shall consist of twelve games. Each club will play six games as the visiting team and six as the home team.
A forfeit shall be defined as an occurrence in which a club fails to attend a scheduled game with at least eight players ready to complete an official game.
2. Occurrences that do not constitute a forfeit include the following:
inclement weather
academic obligations such as standardized exams but not including general school work
no field available at or near the scheduled site
no available umpires
In the instance of an occurrence not listed above, the board will make a judgment as to whether that occurrence constitutes a forfeit.
Any club that forfeits a single regular season game or two games scheduled on the same date will be fined for all costs incurred by the league for setting up the forfeited game(s). The total fine amount will be payable within 30 days of the forfeit date. The club may also be disqualified from the playoffs pending a board review.
Any club that forfeits two or more regular season games scheduled on two or more different dates will be fined $95 for each game forfeited plus costs incurred by the league for setting up each forfeited game. The total fine amount will be payable within 30 days of the forfeit date. The club may also be disqualified from the playoffs pending a board review.
6. Any club charged with a forfeit may file an appeal to be reviewed by the board.
7. If a club has difficulty keeping its schedule, the board may determine it in the best interests of the league to recommend independent membership until such time that the club convinces the board that it can be relied upon to attend and play all scheduled games.
The playoffs will consist of eight clubs divided into two brackets of four. The top four clubs in each division will earn a playoff berth.
In the event of a tie in the standings, head to head results between the tied teams shall be used as a tiebreaker. If that does not resolve the tie, an index will be used, in which each club will be awarded points for each regular season game won amounting to the final winning percentage of the opponent. If that does not resolve the tie, the total runs allowed during the regular season (with the official score of a forfeited game as 7-0) will be used.
3. If a division winner is disqualified due to a forfeited game during the regular season, the remaining division winner in the conference will take the number one seed, and the remaining three seeds will be awarded to the next three teams with the highest winning percentages in descending order, regardless of which division they're in.
4. Any team that owes amounts for dues, umpire fees or baseballs, and has not made a reasonable effort to communicate a plan for payment shall be disqualified from the playoffs and the next seeded team will take their spot.
In the first round, the highest seeded club in each bracket will play a single elimination game as the home team against the lowest seeded club and the second highest seeded club will play a single elimination game as the home team against the third highest seeded club. The winners of these games will automatically advance to the double elimination round.
6. The four clubs that advance to the double elimination round will play a six game, double elimination format tournament over two days, beginning with the winner of the second first round game in the North Division playing as the home team against the loser of the second first round game in the South Division and the winner of the second first round game in the South Division playing as the home team against the loser of the second first round game in the North Division. After these two games are played, the two clubs that won will play each other with the club allowing fewer runs in the first game playing as the home team, and the two clubs that lost will do the same with the loser of this game being eliminated. The club that wins their first two games will automatically advance and play as the home team against the winner of a game between the two clubs that split their first two games in this round.
7. If weather and field availability permits, there will be a seventh game in the event that the club with the 2-1 record in the tournament wins, as neither of the two remaining clubs will have lost two games to be eliminated. This seventh game would function as the Championship Game, and would be played on a separate date so that no club is asked to play three games in one day. If it is not possible to get this game in, the preceding game will function as the Championship Game with the club winning its third game in the tournament format being declared the winner.
All postseason games will be seven innings in length.
9. There will be no protests at playoff games. Instead, a board member will be on hand, not working any games but instead acting as directors armed with a copy of the NCAA rule book. If a coach wishes to protest a call that is not based on the umpire's judgment, the umpire in chief will stop the game and call for the director, who will step in and resolve the matter on the spot.
The commissioner shall attend the Championship Game and have a trophy on hand for the winner.
The commissioner shall present the trophy to the club that wins the championship immediately following the championship game.
All Stars
An all star team will be compiled by the commissioner based on nominations received by the clubs following the postseason meeting.
To be eligible for all star selection, batters must have had at least twenty-four regular season plate appearances, and pitchers must have had at least fifteen innings pitched.